NEW Glasgow Community Climate Action Hub!
The Glasgow Community Climate Action Network was successful in a bid for Scottish Government monies to start a Climate Action Hub for Glasgow City (GCAH). We have a short turnaround for this financial year and lots of great things to be getting on with. Read all about it in this blog.
Introducing the Glasgow Climate Action Hub (
There are three opportunities that will be of interest to GCCAN members just now.
Watch Out For …
Ideas for next year
There is the potential funding available to support the Glasgow Climate Action Hub (GCAH) in 2024-25. The next round of funding is from March 2024 and the full application has to be in by early February 2024. We are basing the next year on findings from community group engagement and broadening the reach for 2024-25. The good news is that if that is successful, we will be set up and have a whole year to work together and strengthen the Hub.
Small grants for good ideas
At an early stage we want to engage different groups and communities and have innovative ideas to share. If this sounds like your group, have a look at our demonstrator grants Programme.
Demonstrator Fund 2023/24 | Glasgow CAH (
It is only small with £30,000 in total and a maximum grant of £5,000. Delivery will be 10 weeks from mid-January 2024. We are particularly keen to hear from groups in North East Glasgow or those supporting disabled people, New Scots, black ethnic minority communities and the broad LGBTQ+ community who are often more likely to engage in city-wide rather than local activity. Note that groups need to be a member of GCCAN to apply, so if you know of other groups that fit the bill, please encourage them to join the network. The DEADLINE for applications is Sunday 7th January 2024. No applications will be considered after the deadline.
Join the network, get involved
We want to spread the word, so are encouraging new groups to join the Glasgow Community Climate Action Network.Membership is free and gives you more of a say in the future direction. Groups are asked to confirm that they support the vision, purpose and aims of the network. Coming in the New Year, the Glasgow Climate Action Hub will have a mailing list for individuals to join to keep up to date. In the meantime, you can sign up for the GCCAN mailing list.
GCCAN Stewardship group
Many of you will have been involved with the formation of GCCAN from the start and have seen it develop and grow. With the extra resources that the Hub brings to support GCCAN, we envisage that the membership will grow further, so it has become important to review and clarify the structure needed. The network stewardship group is a budding group to support the decision making of the network and for the network to continue being member led. It currently consists of original GCCAN members, but they are reviewing the Terms of Reference for the group and will be in touch in the New Year with further details.
Network Gathering update
On Friday 1st December GCCAN hosted a networking meeting at Glasgow Women’s Library with attendees from Glasgow Organisations. After tucking into some delicious Vegan food made by Milk Cafe in Glasgow the participants were presented with a PowerPoint from GCCAN and GCVS highlighting the great work being done in Glasgow. Sallie from GCVS updated everyone on the new and exciting Glasgow Climate Hub and the work that will be done before the end of March 2024. Lots of climate related conversations took place by all the organisations that attended with great discussions being started and lots of great networking.
Four local organisations hosted tables to highlight the campaigns taking place with their organisations in Scotland and in Glasgow in particular.
Glasgow Women’s Library – Net Zero Handbook
Sniffer – pioneering Community Climate Adaptation Routemap
Get Glasgow Moving – Better Buses for Strathclyde campaign which you can follow on their social media or mailing list
Glasgow National Park City – working on Glasgow being declared a National Park City – you can take part in their consultation and sign up as a supporter
Thank you
It is exciting that the Glasgow Climate Action Hub is now setting up, and this also signals the gradual transition of support from SCCAN to the local partners. It seems fitting at this point to say thank you to the SCCAN staff and in particular Lykke Harris who has pushed this forward and corralled us all to work together! Lykke leaves at the end of December, with Kenny around until the end of March 2024.