
Who can join the network?

We want to include a mix of groups to benefit from each other’s connections and perspectives. You can be a group of any size – even if it’s 2 of you starting a community garden. You just have to be a not-for-profit organisation and be aligned with our vision, aims and purpose.

Includes those taking action issues affecting your communities including:

Apple icon 

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Windmill icon

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Bin icon

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Symbol showing a plant, mushroom and bird with the sun shining above 

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Bus icon

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Hands shaking

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Social Justice

Getting involved

After becoming a member, there will be lots of ways to engage including:

  • Joining working groups on specific topics or for specific areas
  • Joining gatherings and events held by the network
  • Inputting on online feedback on big plans
  • Discussions in a members’ whatsapp group (you are welcome to turn off notifications for this and we can look at other options down the line)
  • Reading email updates from the network
  • Sharing stories through our social media platforms
  • Adding events to the climate fringe website, where groups and individuals from all across the country can see your events
  • Getting involved in collaborative projects


There will be lots of opportunity to meet and work with other groups including:

  • Quarterly gatherings to discuss the strategy and direction
  • Co-hosting events with the network and with other members
  • Topical events held by the network on unifying and useful topics
  • Informal social networking events – e.g. a meal together
  • Network volunteering days, where groups suggest a practical task and network members join in on this together

Decision making and input

The network team will consider the following when making decisions:

  • Input from member groups – having flexible plans and re-evaluating
  • Creating space to work through difficulties and differences
  • Engaging representative groups – prioritising the voices of those who historically are underrepresented in climate discussion


There have been a few suggestions for mapping exercises in Glasgow. The first that is being worked on is Community Groups and Spaces, with Green Maps. This will be filtered by theme and demographic e.g. a cycling group working with children. This mapping will be done with consideration of other mapping in Glasgow like Glasgow Eco Trust’s map, if you know of any please get in touch.


These themes have come up as unifying throughout development of the network. They can change over time, according to the needs of members. These may be worked on alongside members and other supportive services and campaigns in the area.

Bus icon

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Tenement flats icon

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Icon of hands on a bag of money with a dollar sign on it 

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Fairer funding

Icon of people 3 people speaking

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Community integration

Apple icon

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Land icon - soil with plant growing out 

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Arrows going in a circle clockwise 

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Circular Economy

Windmill icon

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