Below are links to online resources that can help inform / support community climate action.
Nourish Scotland is a charity focusing on food policy and practice. They work for a fair, healthy and sustainable food system that truly values nature and people.
Hubbub coordinate The Community Fridge Network which connects fridges across the UK. It is a support network for groups running fridges to share knowledge and skills and to ask questions. The Network offers free guidance on how to set up your own fridge and provides comprehensive support, design assets, a knowledge sharing forum and health and safety templates.
Fareshare are a nationwide organisation that redistribute surplus food to charities. If your organisation uses food to support people, then you can sign up to receive food through their Community Food Membership programme.
Circular Economy Scotland‘s vision is for a thriving circular economy with local communities benefiting from the social, environmental and economic impacts.
Repair Cafés are all about the circular economy, repairing things together and minimising waste. If you’re interested in starting a Repair Cafe then Repair Cafe International have lots of guides and tips for working with different products alongside advice and support.
Zero Waste Scotland exists to lead Scotland to use products and resources responsibly, focusing on where we can have the greatest impact on climate change.
SP Energy Networks: Zero Carbon Communities Hub “This resource is designed to support individuals and communities interested in reducing the carbon footprint in their local area and maximising local opportunities and benefits from a net zero future. If you are interested in developing your own community energy project, our step-by-step approach helps you to navigate the common pitfalls and, more importantly, find solutions to help you succeed.”
Local Energy Scotland manage CARES – the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme. CARES supports communities across Scotland to engage with, participate in and benefit from the energy transition to net zero emissions.
Active Hope is about finding, and offering, our best response when facing concerns about our world situation. There are a series of free resources on the Active Hope website including videos and music that you can use individually or as a group.
Climate Cafes are a great way of coming together in an informal way to talk about each others’ concerns. They are a space where everyone is welcome to join the conversation and get involved. If you’re interested in joining or even setting up your own Climate Cafe take a look at the Climate Café® Hub.
Community Woodlands Association was established in 2003 as the representative body of Scotland’s community woodland groups. They have a series of useful resources, such as Woodland Management Plans and links to funding opportunities.
Peatland ACTION is a national programme to restore peatlands across Scotland. It is led and funded by Scottish Government and delivered in partnership with NatureScot & supporting agents; the National Park Authorities (Cairngorms and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs), Scottish Water, and Forestry & Land Scotland
Keep Scotland Beautiful have some useful guides and links to how to take action on climate change, including a short-film AN-DRÀSTA! produced by young people in the Western Isles.
The Woodland Trust, offer support to communities to protect and encourage tree planting. As they say, “Woods and trees can help make your community a healthier, wealthier and happier place to live and work.”
The RSPB have a simple and informative introduction to nature based solutions and what they mean for both wildlife and people.
The Scottish Wildlife Trust have ‘collated the latest resources demonstrating the benefits, challenges and best practice to implementing nature-based solutions at a local, national and international level.’
The Scottish Biodiversity List is a list of animals, plants and habitats that Scottish Ministers consider to be of principal importance for biodiversity conservation in Scotland.’
Visit Scotland have a series of online resources for businesses, including creating a Climate Action Plan. Step 5 focuses on supporting nature-based solutions to climate change.