Join the Discussion: Redesigning Our Economy for a Sustainable Future! 

Are you concerned about the climate emergency and the impact of our current economic system? Do you believe it’s time for a change? Join the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland for an enlightening conversation with the Cross Party Group on Wellbeing Economy!

Why Redesigning Our Economy is a Must:
The current economic model, with its heavy reliance on fossil fuels and relentless pursuit of GDP growth, is a major contributor to the worsening climate crisis. To address this emergency and swiftly reduce emissions, we must rethink our economic approach, not just in Scotland but globally.

Join the Cross Party Group on Wellbeing Economy as we discuss the need for a new economic approach that can deliver rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in a way that is just and enhances our wellbeing.

When: Wednesday, September 20
Time: 6 – 8pm
Where: · Scottish Parliament and Online

Book your free place here