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Communities Climate Action Network

To be EFFECTIVE we need to get COLLECTIVE.


A network planned, built & managed by YOU for our Future Ready Communities.

Inviting all DG community groups to take part in developing a new Communities Climate Action Network spanning the length and breadth of our massive county.


Following COP26, the Scottish Government funded SCCAN to create a transformational, nationwide framework of Climate Action Networks. This includes a new Dumfries & Galloway Communities Climate Action Network (DG-CCAN).

Supported by SCCAN, DG-CCAN could have the option to become a community-led, core-funded Climate Action Hub. 

As DG-CCAN evolves it could facilitate specialist support to develop your ideas, projects and organisation; training sessions, events, funding links, resources and tool kits; as well as opportunities to share skills, best practices and insights between network members.


Supporting communities is at the very heart of the DG-CCAN vision.

With a vibrant network in place, we can apply for government recognition and core funding as a Climate Action Hub for Dumfries & Galloway.

How this Hub is shaped and what it will do is for the network’s members to decide.

Through DG-CCAN we can organise a series of local events to shape this proposal and ensure that the community-led Climate Hub truly represents all of Dumfries & Galloway … from the grassroots up.

“We are, after all, the greatest problem solvers to have ever existed on Earth. If working apart, we are a force powerful enough to destabilize our planet. Surely working together, we are powerful enough to save it.”

– David Attenborough at COP26 –

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