Winter is a surprisingly busy time in the woodland. It’s the main time to do hedging work. That way we can be sure we’re not disturbing nesting birds. When the wood was planted about 30 years ago a lot of blackthorn was put in along the main path. I have mixed feelings about blackthorn. I…
Even in winter there’s lots of birds in the wood, making the most of the seed heads and rosehips – bluetits, robins and wrens are around most mornings even on the coldest days. Although when it came to the RSPB’s Big Garden Bird Watch at the end of January they all hid away from the…
This year was a bumper year for butterflies and moths with a noticeable abundance of them in the woods! The first to be seen were the orange tipped butterflies, a sure sign of spring. The common white butterflies that we see are the large white, small white and green veined white butterflies. All of them…
The heavy sky and brilliant yellow of the trees bring a bit of drama to autumn There’s so much food in the wood at this time of year – sloes, hazelnuts, crab-apples, rose-hips, elderberries. More for the birds and squirrels than for people, and generally the squirrels get all the hazelnuts before any people can…
Guardians of our rivers
This year we joined the citizen science project, Guardians of our Rivers, which sets out to monitor the abundance of different groups of invertebrates that live in the riverbed. The presence of these organisms act as biological indicators of water quality, and can provide an early warning of pollution events or detrimental changes in our…
It’s been a good summer for damselflies – we’ve seen emeralds, common blue and blue tailed. You can find them if you look closely at the bull rushes round the pond especially on a sunny evening. Much easier to see are the larger dragonflies – but we’ve only seen a couple of these. They darted…