Audio Trails for Change

Sharing stories of community-led climate action in the place you live & love.

Below is a growing collection of audio trails created to showcase the future possibilities in the communities where we live.

Some of them have been created through collaboration between SCCAN Story Weaver team and partner community organisations. Please get in touch on if you’d like to take part in training or would like support in creating audio trails for your own community.

You can listen to the stories online or take them for a walk or a cycle by downloading the relevant app and the trail onto your mobile phone.


Voices of Footdee (Echoes)

Residents of Footdee talk about life in the village past, present and future. A part of Safe Harbour: Open Sea project. You can only access this story by travelling to its location.


Arran Eco Savvy Tour (

By following this bicycle or bus tour you can take in many of the delights of Arran whilst visiting the island environmental charity, Arran Eco Savvy! We have an Active Travel Hub, a second hand community shop and a touring Zero Waste Café which pops up in the island’s villages with delicious café treats and kitchen cupboard staples.

The tour is a collaboration between Arran EcoSavvy and Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN). It is based on the 1000 Better Stories Everyday Changemaker series podcast.


Hilltown Roots and Recipes DRAFT (

Stories of food, people and planet-friendly recipes from Maxwell area in Dundee. Collaboration between Maxwell Centre and SCCAN, partially funded by a SCCAN storytelling mini-grant.

Gardeners of Change: Intimate Portraits of Dundee’s Community Growers

A behind-the scenes tour of five community green spaces through the eyes of growers involved. The tour is a collaboration between Dundee Community Growing Network (Grow Dundee) and Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN). It is based on the 1000 Better Stories Everyday Changemaker series podcast.


Soil and Soul (

These podcasts share the experiences of diverse groups across Glasgow as they explore and learn about soil. What is it? Why should we care about it? And most importantly, what would a worm say if it could talk? Hear people’s hopes and demands for the future of soil in Glasgow – and everywhere!

Soil and Soul is a collaboration between Propagate, Open Jar Collective and the British Society of Soil Science, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The podcasts are produced by Katie Revell. Katie is a member of SCCAN Story Circle.


Tayport in 2030 (

Welcome to the walking tour of Tayport in 2030. It’s been only 9 years since the historical moment when governments from around the world got together in Glasgow for COP26, for the crucial negotiations of international action on climate. At the time scientists were telling us that we had around 10 years to bring about rapid reduction in our carbon emissions so that we can stop the worst of the climate crisis. Everyone knew it was urgent. 

The event brought this global problem right to our doorstep, and we thought it was important to show our community’s support for action on climate by throwing the Tayport Climate Festival in September 2021. Which turned out to be an amazing couple of days. In November, as COP26 negotiators gathered in Glasgow, we gathered together in the Gregory Hall to create a vision of Tayport in 2030, coming up with local solutions that our community could make happen here, and in the process, to make Tayport a better place to live for all. In January 2022 Tayport Primary added our young people’s voices to the vision for Tayport’s future too, and we continued to add others since.

Tayport Community Climate Action group emerged from all this and it has worked since to bring people, businesses, and community organisations together to make some of these ideas happen by creating Tayport Climate Action Plan and working with the council and the regional network of like-minded community groups to bring it to life.

This tour is showing off Tayport’s achievements so far.

Taking Care of Tayport (

This is a walking audio tour showing off some of the things Tayport residents have been doing to make this town better for the people and for the planet. It was produced by Kaska Hempel, with help from John Willis as the sound editor, as a part of PLANT’s Tayport Community Garden Carbon Conversation project 2018-2020, funded by Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund. PLANT (People Learning About Nature in Tayport) is a subgroup of Tayport Community Trust.

Scottish Apple Quest ( quest)

Welcome to the Scottish Apple Quest at the Tayport’s community orchard – the Fruit Tree Walk! In ancient times, the Celts told a myth about a wonderful apple tree. To get to the land of the ever-young the Queen of the Fairies would give you, the chosen one, the Silver Bough: a magical branch. The enchanted branch would provide you with food and drink on your journey and make music so soothing, you would forget your sorrows.

For hundreds of years people have been growing apples in Scotland. Today it is almost impossible to find Scottish apples in the shops, and those we can buy don’t even grow here.

Join the quest to find out fascinating stories and facts about the Scottish apples we planted at the Fruit Tree Walk, and why eating local apples is better for you and the planet. Find all 5 stories and answer the quest questions.