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1000 Better Stories Blog

  • ‘We do it for the joy’: Women on Wheels
    A 1000 Better Stories blog written by Clare Harris, Scotland lead for the Local Story Exchange Women on Wheels founder, Shgufta Anwar, the local cycling pioneer who’s battled family…
  • Member of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 
    For this month’s SCCAN Member of the Month, we’re shining a spotlight on the amazing work undertaken at Bridgend Farmhouse in Edinburgh. Luisa Brown, Skills Development Coordinator at Bridgend Farmhouse,…
  • Bedtime eco-stories
    Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie reflects on her research on children’s eco-anxiety, her own eco-anxiety and her motivations. We also share resources for people (adults and families) dealing with eco-anxiety. Cover…
  • Everyday Changemakers: Rebecca Gibbs, SCCAN
    Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Rebecca Gibbs from SCCAN about rollerblading for sanity, turning NET zero into NOT zero and the invitation to get into climate adaptation planning…
  • 1.5 MAX: Real-world climate education for children and young people
    On the 22nd of May, 1.5 MAX hosted its 2024 Global Schools’ Climate Summit for young pupils from Scotland, Malawi, Bangladesh and Nepal. With a focus on real-world climate education,…
  • Cooking (in) the Land
    This is a story about the cultural contributions of everyday South Asian communities to Scotland and about finding and creating community and connection to the land through cooking food. Written…