Statement on SCCAN Funding

To date SCCAN as an organisation has developed through several operational structures from being fully volunteer founded, led and run, to taking on a paid staff team to expand and deliver important work in supporting communities to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient Scotland.

Whilst it is difficult to do so we feel that we have to be honest and transparent and confront the situation that we find ourselves in. We have to make it known to our members and supporters that due to lack of funding SCCAN will be going through some changes in the coming months.

At this stage we are not sure exactly what those changes will be or the subsequent impacts for SCCAN’s members however from the end of the year we will have significantly reduced staffing levels, activity output and support available.  We do, however, believe that our situation will be a temporary one.

We understand that many of you in the climate community, as well as many many other sectors, will be experiencing similar challenges due to the extreme lack of funding opportunities and the high competition for these resources. 

Frustratingly, we are finding that more and more of our time is being diverted to seeking funding and looking for other sources of income rather than doing the actual work that is our reason for being. 

The unstable funding landscape that we are currently experiencing puts extreme pressure on organisations and the people working within them to perform to increasingly unrealistic levels with less and less resource. This burden is exacerbated by the often short funding timeframes which leaves individuals and organisations uncertain of their future. This is especially difficult during a cost of living crisis. 

In a time when action is most needed on the climate and nature emergency, and the will and momentum in communities is vocally and actively growing, it is very sad to find ourselves constrained by these financial challenges, unable to fully meet the needs and aspirations of the communities we exist to support. This reality is not unique to SCCAN, but it is deeply disheartening, given the urgency of the climate and nature crises we face.

However, we remain committed to our vision of a just, thriving, and resilient Scotland. While this situation is challenging, we see this as an opportunity to reflect, adapt, and explore new ways of working that align with our values and mission and those of our community.

We considered asking our network for financial support, but on reflection considered this to be counterproductive. Our communities need support at community level. So instead, we ask for your patience and continued support as we navigate these uncertain times. We also encourage members and supporters to share ideas, connections, and resources that might help us sustain and strengthen our network.

Two things you could do to help, if you are so minded:

  • If you’ve received any support from SCCAN in the past, we’d love to hear about it.  You can send any messages to
  • If you would like to show your support for SCCAN and the work we do then please add your name and organisation (if you are part of one) to this page

We have achieved so much, and we believe that together, we can find a way forward, ensuring that SCCAN remains a vital part of Scotland’s climate action movement.

Thank you for being part of our community, for your dedication to creating a better future, and for your understanding as we face these difficult changes.