Our Scottish Government and Parliament make decisions that impact your life on a daily basis. The role of our politicians is to represent us. By electing them, we give them the power to make decisions and pass laws on our behalf. Therefore, it’s important for them to know what we think and what we want them to do – and they don’t know unless we tell them!
So make your MSP / MP work for you! Your MSP /MP represents you, so get them working on the issues you care about. You don’t have to be an expert. The simple fact that you care is a good enough reason to contact a politician.
It matters to MPs/MSPs what the mood in their electorate is and what constituents want. But they can’t know that unless we tell them.
Why now? Why me?
There is growing public momentum for our government to act on climate. Now is the time to build on that. The more of us who demand action, the more our politicians will listen.
Many Scottish people never attempt to use the democratic power they have because they don’t understand the political system or don’t feel confident enough to contact their MSP / MP.
One of the goals of these resources is to help you step up and exercise your democratic rights to let your local Member of Scottish Parliament (MSP) or local MP (Member of Parliament) and other relevant members of our government know you want more urgent action on climate change.