Climate Action Hubs
SCCAN are delighted to announce progress in the development of a network of regional community climate action hubs in order to provide a strategic regional approach to climate change action across Scotland.
The hub network now consists of eighteen hubs with a number of hubs in development:
- Highlands and Islands Climate Hub, (covering the Highlands, Orkney and Shetland)
- NESCAN Hub (covering Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)
- Fife Climate Hub
- Dumfries & Galloway Climate Hub
- Edinburgh Communities Climate Action Network
- East Lothian Climate Action Network
- Midlothian Climate Action Network
- Angus Climate Hub
- West Lothian Climate Action Hub
- Glasgow Climate Action Hub
- Scottish Borders Climate Action Network (SBCAN)
- Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network (ABCAN) Hub
- Moray Climate Action Network (Moray CAN)
- The Outer Hebrides Climate Action Hub led by Climate Hebrides CIC
- Inverclyde led by the Inverclyde Community Development Trust
- Forth Valley delivered by Forth Environment Link
- Dundee delivered by a partnership of organisation led by Transition Dundee
- Ayrshire Climate Hub delivered by a partnership of organisations led by The Energy Agency
- Lanarkshire Climate Action Hub
- Renfrewshire Climate Action Network (RenCAN)
Hubs will work to:
- build awareness of the climate emergency and actions local groups can take
- develop local plans
- help groups take up funding opportunities
- facilitate networking
- ensure a more joined-up approach to tackling climate change at a regional level
You can read more about community climate action hubs on the Scottish Government website here.
Regional Networks
‘Investing in Regional Networks’ is our ambitious programme to support regional level networking -providing some paid support time to help with developing and nurturing new relationships and new collaborations between more community groups, building on the work of existing networks across each region as well as with building good links with the wider third sector and with the public sector.

The intention is also to help facilitate discussions on the shape and purpose of Scottish Government supported regional community climate action hubs as these emerge across Scotland over the next year or so and to ensure that these are structured to best serve local needs. Read more about why we see networking as so important and the approach we are trying to take to support network development here.
Contact List
For current contacts for our team of ‘Regional Coordinators’ please see the ‘Investing in Regional Networks’ section of our ‘People’ page
Please do get in touch if you are involved with any sort of community-led action or existing network in those regions.
Why Networks?
SCCAN’s intention has always been to become a network of networks. This is because networking needs to happen at different scales to meet different needs. Networking at the regional scale can provide a key role because of the common interest between communities within a geographic region, the opportunities to develop collaborative projects and to build on potential synergies and the necessity to build strong relationships with local authorities, health boards, TSIs and other regional level bodies.“
Our (SCCAN’s) main intention is to provide a structure that supports networking and the creation of a ‘knowledge commons’, so that members can support and learn from each other. Experience shows that mutual support and inspiration between those involved with community-led action is highly effective in creating widespread change and means that the impact of community-led action can be greatly amplified.
Given the unprecedented challenges and uncertain future that we face, it is more important than ever that we are able to tap into everybody’s collective intelligence and knowledge so as to create locally appropriate solutions to meeting local needs. We believe that this is an essential part of enabling a rapid transition to a more resilient and localised future in which everyone is able to thrive within a flourishing environment, locally and globally.