Any SCCAN group member can use the community learning exchange (CLE) to learn from another community group.
How it works:
You identify a group, project or community that you would like to be mentored by or learn from. The CLE grant covers costs up to £750, including your travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses. The CLE also covers the £300 / day fee to the host organisation.
Alternatively, you can host a learning exchange. In this case, you would need to identify the group(s) who would be learning from you.
Make us of the community learning exchange here!
Here below is a case study from Bike for Good’s learning exchange:
“Our Volunteer Cycle Ride leader and Outreach workers had a learning exchange with Bike for Good in Glasgow. We started the day off with a cycle around the city to see examples of good and complicated cycling paths and infrastructure. We also looked at how to lead people through high-traffic areas and keep them safe. The afternoon was spent looking at dealing with conflict, what the changes in the Highway Code are and how this may affect cyclists. We also looked at how to support cyclists with additional support needs.
There were three main aims of the visit was:
Participate in a lead ride around Glasgow, looking at cycle lanes (good and bad) and road infrastructure and the conflict this causes. The outcome was to improve confidence and leadership on the roads and how we can share this with participants in Kirkcaldy.
Get some practical instruction on dealing with complex road junctions with the outcome of improving ride leaders’ confidence and share with participants within Greener Kirkcaldy to help them be safer on the roads.
We wanted to raise our awareness of cycling with disabilities and inclusivity with the outcome of improving Greener Kirkcaldy’s active travel programme’s ability to support cyclists with disabilities.
We arranged a minibus and drove to Glasgow. We chose Bike for Good to build on our working network and to give our volunteers a different cycling experience. Bike for Good is also a well-recognised charity supporting cycling with an excellent reputation for high-quality training and active travel support.
Eight of our ride leaders took part in this training. This created an opportunity for them to spend quality time together and meet three new ride leaders.
We achieved all our intended outcomes, and this also energised them. Some of our ride leaders had never used segregated cycle paths before or cycled on such busy complex roads. This helped improve their confidence in leading rides around Kirkcaldy.
“That was a great day out. I think everyone must have learned something useful. I certainly did.”
“It was super awesome. I definitely learned a lot. Thank you for organising.”
“It was a great day, and I definitely learned lots too.””