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Update on SCCAN’s Regional Network Funding and Climate Action Hubs

Following on from our previous update on 10 March we are delighted to share with you the good news that SCCAN’s funding for the Regional Networks Project will be continued as part of the Scottish Government’s programme to set up a nationwide network of Regional Climate Action Hubs.  Whilst we are still waiting for finalised details, we thought it important to share this information with you now.

Thank you for your support and representations during this time, it is so very much appreciated.  And although we don’t know the details yet, we do know that going forward, all the work that has been carried out to date will help shape and form the next steps in this important work.  To that end, we will be looking to develop Local Implementation Groups in each of the Regions, facilitated by the Regional Network Coordinator to progress this important work, building on work undertaken to date.  More details to follow!

Climate Action Hubs will put communities at the heart of net zero. Read the Scottish Government announcement here:

Listen to the 1000 Better Stories episodes on the pilot hub:

Listen to the SCCAN networking project: