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Pockets and Prospects funding

Pockets and Prospects‘ grants to SCCAN member organisations are intended to help you to reach out and engage more widely across your community, to initiate collaboration and joining up of climate activity with wider issues of inequality and disadvantage such as food/fuel poverty, climate justice etc.

We invite bids on less than two sides of A4 on a first come first served basis, to

Please ensure you provide name of SCCAN Member Organisation, Contact Name and full contact details along with summary budget – between £250 and £1,000 – for the activities, and a short (one page) description of what the grant will enable you to do. 

Please include a description of your current activities/approach and how the grant will change this and how you will monitor and evaluate the quantitative and qualitative impact of the proposed activity. 

The funding comes from the Scottish Government via the Scottish Community Alliance.