Recruiting [closed]

We are recruiting for an Interim Operations Manager, which may become a permanent position.

SCCAN has a rapidly expanding membership and, over the past year, has moved from being a volunteer led and run organisation to one with 20 paid workers.  We are considering how best to evolve our sociocratic structure and practice to ensure balance across our team which is now composed of paid workers and volunteers. Whilst this planning is undertaken, we are seeking to engage an Interim Operations Manager which may become a permanent position.  This role is currently funded to end of March 2023 with the expectation that funding will be extended.

The purpose of the role is to support our General Circle* and provide day to day operational support for SCCAN’s staff team and work circles.

* General Circle: Provides overall strategic direction to SCCAN through upholding SCCAN’s Vision, Mission and Aims and ensuring effective coordination of all SCCAN activities. This circle comprises the lead links and delegates from each of the linked work circles and is the ultimate decision making body for SCCAN.

For more information and to apply see HERE

Deadline for applications: 5pm, Thursday 1st December