SCCAN are delighted to announce several more successes in the progression of the development of a network of regional community climate action hubs in order to provide a strategic regional approach to climate change action across Scotland.
The hub network now consists of fourteen hubs with a number of hubs in development:
- the Highlands and Islands Climate Hub, (covering the Highlands, Orkney and Shetland)
- the NESCAN Hub (covering Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire)
- Fife Climate Action Hub delivered by the Fife Community Climate Action Network (FCCAN)
- Moray Climate Action Hub led by tsiMORAY
- The Outer Hebrides Climate Action Hub led by Climate Hebrides CIC
- The Scottish Borders led by the Southern Uplands Partnership
- Inverclyde led by the Inverclyde Community Development Trust
- Forth Valley delivered by Forth Environment Link
- Dundee delivered by a partnership of organisation led by Transition Dundee
- Dumfries & Galloway delivered by the Galloway & South Ayrshire Biosphere
- Angus led by Montrose Community Trust
- East Lothian led by Lower Impact Living CIC (Lil)
- Midlothian led by Midlothian Voluntary Action
- West Lothian Climate Action Hub
SCCAN’s regional coordinators are working with their local stakeholder group to progress the development of their climate hub. Please contact your regional coordinators to get an update. Their contact details can be found here.
Hubs will work to:
- build awareness of the climate emergency and actions local groups can take
- develop local plans
- help groups take up funding opportunities
- facilitate networking
- ensure a more joined-up approach to tackling climate change at a regional level
You can read more about community climate action hubs on the Scottish Government website here.