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Members Discount: Zero Carbon Britain One-Day Online Training Course – 19th June 2024

Discounted rate for SCCAN members of £30 from £95: Zero Carbon Britain: Live Online – Scaling up Community Action by the Centre for Alternative Technology on the 19th June 2024: 9:30am – 5pm. Please email…Continue readingMembers Discount: Zero Carbon Britain One-Day Online Training Course – 19th June 2024

1.5 MAX: Real-world climate education for children and young people

On the 22nd of May, 1.5 MAX hosted its 2024 Global Schools’ Climate Summit for young pupils from Scotland, Malawi, Bangladesh and Nepal. With a focus on real-world climate education, 1.5 MAX provides a valuable…Continue reading1.5 MAX: Real-world climate education for children and young people

Coffee cups rattle as climate reality hits Angus

I love the sound of a deadline whooshing past. I’m looking at the birds outside, when I should be concentrating on a task. I’m easily distracted. I’ve been wondering what that slight sense of breathless…Continue readingCoffee cups rattle as climate reality hits Angus

Back in the saddle: Edinburgh’s Wee Spoke Hub – Part 2

A story about the positive impact of two community cycling groups in Edinburgh written by Douglas Rogers and funded through a SCCAN mini grant.  The Wee Spoke Hub I came across the Wee Spoke Hub…Continue readingBack in the saddle: Edinburgh’s Wee Spoke Hub – Part 2

SCCAN Gathering Programme: Glasgow 2024

You can see more details about the event on the SCCAN Annual Gathering eventbrite page here.Continue readingSCCAN Gathering Programme: Glasgow 2024

Member of the Month: South Seeds

This month Lucy Gillie, General Manager of South Seeds shares details on the amazing work they undertake as well as some of her personal climate journey.  Tell us about South Seeds.  South Seeds is a…Continue readingMember of the Month: South Seeds


Awakening is a fictional account of the River Clyde bursting its banks, written by Mairi Macleod and funded through a SCCAN mini grant.  The day the city drowned, the trees cried the last of their…Continue readingAwakening

Why stories at the heart of communities matter

To quote Shakespeare “The pen is mightier than the sword’. As one of the Story Weaver team at SCCAN, I’m passionate about the power and potential of the written word to change the world. Although…Continue readingWhy stories at the heart of communities matter

Opening the black box: how to make real change on the brink of oblivion

We have two fundamental problems when it comes to making meaningful change to our specie’s current disastrous collective trajectory: our psychology and our relationship to power. They’re very entangled, but let’s start with power and…Continue readingOpening the black box: how to make real change on the brink of oblivion

Everyday Changemakers: Gina and Mike, Aultnaskiach Dell

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Gina and Mike at Aultnaskiach Dell about the ways they have been taking care of their tiny, urban woodland. The story is the 3rd in a 5-part series…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Gina and Mike, Aultnaskiach Dell