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Stories for Change Part 1/3: Finding and writing your climate action story

Join storyteller Paul Bristow for a practical day of finding, writing, telling your stories of community climate action.Learn how to tell and share your story of Climate Action in a workshop series from SCCAN Storyteller Collective!
Workshop 1: finding and writing your story, 10am – 4pm thursday 27 January online.

In the first of three workshops, Paul Bristow will show you how telling your personal or your organisation’s Climate Action story effectively can create interest and inspire change.

Group discussions, 1:1 support writing, practice telling your story as well as time away from screen for personal reflection.


We hope the stories you will create can contribute to 1000 Better Stories podcast or blog, a part of SCCAN Storyteller Collective. As contributors you will eligible to apply for a SCCAN mini-grant of up to £250.
Next two workshops will focus on ways of sharing your stories more widely in digital formats – both suitable for beginners (bookings opening soon):
– 24 February: Introduction to podcasting – recording and editing
– 24 March: Telling place-based stories on the go with geotagged audio tour

For more information get in touch with SCCAN Story Weaver on