Position Title: Volunteer Facilitator
Location: Online/ face to face, all across Scotland
Time required: 2-4 hours per week
Commitment: Flexible / Minimum 6 months
Training required: write to c4c@sccan.scot for the next training dates
This is an opportunity for someone with passion, commitment and drive to make a big difference to the way Scotland/your locality responds to climate change.
Agents of Change
The Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN) is delivering this effective climate engagement program for Scotland – Climate for Change Conversations. Trained facilitators are helping SCCAN reach more people in communities across the country.
Facilitators are our agents of change. As a facilitator you will be part of a team that together will inspire hundreds of people throughout Scotland to stand up on climate change and move society and our leaders to action.
About Climate Conversations
Since 2015, Climate for Change Australia has pioneered the Climate Conversations model. Using a party-plan model of small gatherings in people’s homes, a facilitator leads a discussion about climate change. Each Conversation generates leads for at least one more, resulting in built-in growth. This is a unique model within the climate movement that allows both deep engagement and exponential growth.
C4C’s 2020 Impact Report demonstrates Climate Conversations is a uniquely powerful engagement tool within the climate movement, successful in reaching audiences that others have historically found challenging – especially the “wavering middle” – and in educating and empowering thousands of individuals to take action on climate.
Further information is available at C4C’s website: www.climateforchange.org.au
The Scottish Communities Climate Action Network / Transition Scotland Hub is a network of community groups and organisations. Our Purpose is to support community-led action to address the climate and nature emergency and work for a just, thriving and resilient Scotland.
Position Summary
This is an exciting role for you to use your love of working with people to empower the community, and to drive a groundswell of community action on climate change.
You will work with volunteer hosts who will invite 6 – 12 friends and family to attend a Climate Conversation online or in their home or at a local venue. At these events, you will present to them about climate change (using our prepared scripts), the urgency for action and facilitate discussion that leads to a commitment to take more effective action.
Our mission is to create the social climate for effective climate action in Scotland.
Feedback will be given to trainees throughout the training.
We will support you in your facilitation journey should any issues arise.
Key Responsibilities
- Imparting the urgency and scale of climate change to the people invited by the friends and family of each host
- Inspiring attendees to commit to taking effective action on climate change
- Attending bi-monthly Ongoing Facilitator Training (90 minutes)
- Recruiting more people to join as hosts and facilitators
- Administration and record keeping of your Conversations
- Evaluating Conversations and providing feedback for improvement
Key Selection Criteria
- Passion for solving climate change
- Positive attitude, responsible and reliable
- Able to foster a welcoming and positive atmosphere
- Enjoy working with, supporting and empowering people
- Confident with leading a group discussion independently
- Engaging communication skills
- Professional administration and organisation skills
- Connection with a local community group is desirable but not essential. Maybe this is a way to start one if there isn’t already a group in your area
- Be or become a member of SCCAN. We welcome both individuals and organisations. You can join here via short form: https://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/join-us/
General Conditions
All SCCAN Climate for Change volunteers are required to sign our Volunteer Agreement, setting out our volunteers’ rights and responsibilities. A confidentiality agreement will need to be signed at the training.
This role requires nine hours of mandatory online or face to face training, as well as attendance at a Climate Conversation and some preparation prior to the training.
Climate Conversation facilitators must be at least 18 years of age.
To Apply
To apply, please fill this short application form below: https://airtable.com/shrCNTMZNLFakSzl8
Although there is no closing date for applications, we have limited space for training, so please submit your application as soon as possible.
Enquiries are to be sent to Kirsty Heron, Climate for Change Programme Lead at
Register your interest below: