SCCAN offers storytelling mini-grants to support contributions to the 1000 Better Stories showcasing inspiring stories of community-led climate action through a blog and a podcast. This is one of the ways we encourage a Storyteller Collective – an emerging group of Scotland-based storytellers who are using their creativity to help us imagine a future worth fighting for.
Are you a podcaster, writer, storyteller, videographer interested in sharing positive community climate action and justice stories?
SCCAN offers mini-grants of £250 each to support projects focused on climate action and climate justice from storytellers who would like to contribute to SCCAN’s Storytellers Collective.
The Storytellers Collective is a growing group of Scotland-based storytellers whose aim is to give voice to inspiring stories of community-led climate action. We want to engage wider audiences in conversations around positive actions and visions for a just transition into a better tomorrow for communities around Scotland.
What will we fund?
🎧 Podcast episodes – to be published in 1000 Better Stories
📝 Short blogs to be published in 1000 Better Stories blog. These could include short films and photo essays.
👾 Other formats are also welcome such as audio walks, comic strips, illustration or mixed media, as long they tell a story.
You must be based in Scotland and your proposed story idea must include one of these criteria:
💚 Community-led Climate Action
💚 Social Justice
💚 Climate solutions.
And at least 1 of these topics:
💚 About or involving a member of SCCAN. Follow this link for details of SCCAN members
💚 Engaging less heard communities/Giving voice to underrepresented communities (geographically, socially, young people)
To Apply
Applications can be in written, audio or video format.
Written applications
Submit one side of A4 containing:
- Your name
- Your address and postcode
- Your email address
- An outline of the story you want to tell and why you think it’s important to be told (max 300 words)
- Details of the SCCAN member your story is about or how it fits with social justice of climate solutions. (max 200 words)
Recorded Applications
Submit an email containing:
- Your name
- Your address and postcode
- Your email address
- A recording detailing an outline of the story you want to tell and why you think it’s important to be told. As well as details of the SCCAN member your story is about, or how it fits with social justice of climate solutions. (no more than five minutes long). Your recorded submission should be saved in MP3 or MP4 format.
Please email all applications to: stories@sccan.scot and include “Mini Grant Application [YOUR SURNAME]” as the subject/title of your email. For submissions over 5MB, please submit via www.wetransfer.com to the above email address.
Details of the next round of mini grants and deadlines TBC.
If you have any questions about SCCAN’s mini grants email the Story Weaver team on stories@sccan.scot
See 1000 Better Stories for more about our work, including our podcast and blog with examples of work by mini-grant recipients.
We look forward to hearing your amazing stories.