
Start Transition in your Community
The Essential Guide to Doing Transition. It is an invaluable guide for any community group that is just getting going and wants to re-imagine and rebuild our world from the bottom up.

Transition Health Check
The Transition Health check is a great tool to help your group analyse what’s going well and also identify areas you could develop to make your group more effective. Here is a short video introduction to the tool.
Effective Collaboration Training
An excellent and comprehensive, self-paced training from our friends at Transition US.
SCCAN members can access this course for free. Just answer ‘yes’ to being affiliated to the International Transition Network in the registration form.

Access support from your local Authority
There are many benefits for community groups to work closely with their Local Authority. Have a look at this very helpful guide to establishing successful partnership working and the ‘top tips‘ summary.
The secret to Talking about Climate Change
Talking about climate change can be hard. This explainer video that gives you tips and tricks on how to have effective climate conversations with family and friends.

Community Climate Adaptation Routemap
In March 2023 Adaptation Scotland and partners launched the Community Climate Adaptation Routemap, a practical guide for communities to adapt to climate change.

Sell the Sizzle – How to Sell Climate Change
Based on depth research for the UK Government in 2011, Sell The Sizzle sets out the formula for compelling climate messages that actually change attitudes and behaviours.

Projects that change things for the better
Shifting Normal uses the Individual, Social and Material model of understanding how behaviour change happens to help guide the design of more successful community projects. It used case studies from SCCAN members.

Climate Outreach
Climate Outreach has a lot of excellent resources including:
Dynamic Governance/ Sociocracy
Useful introductory resources about Sociocracy.
Sociocracy combines consent decision-making, a decentralized system of authority and intentional processes to improve our decisions and processes over time into a governance system that supports process.
Explore on your own on Sociocracy for All’s resources page:

Start a Climate Café
A Climate Café is an open, inclusive space for people to get together to talk and act on climate change. They are informal, everyone is welcome to join the conversation and get involved.
How To Guides
Are you a community group that has a guide or resources that you would like to share? Or would you be interested in sharing your experience and help build a tool kit? We would love to hear from you!
Get in touch with for more info on what is involved!
Workshop Material
Facilitate a Climate Adaption Workshop
Are we Ready? is a resource developed by SCCAN in conjunction with
Adaptation Scotland. All the resources you need to run a short workshop to get any group in your community starting to talk about climate change and how we can become more resilient.
Facilitate a Climate Justice Workshop
Developed in conjunction with SCCAN by Surefoot Effect and the Comparative Media Studies department, the Climate Justice workshop is a 2 hours session to open up conversations on the connection between colonialism and climate change.
Active Hope Foundations Training
A free video-based online course designed to nourish and strengthen your capacity to act for positive change in the world.
Would you like to become more engaged, encouraged, enlivened and empowered when facing concerns about the world?
Host a Workshop in your community!

Host a Climate Reality Leader presentation
A Climate Reality Leaders can show you how to take action. At a Climate Reality Leader presentation, you’ll learn about the local and global effects, as well as what you and your group can do to help create a better future for the planet.

Host a Climate for Change Conversation
Having lots of quality conversations about climate change is one of the most effective things we can do to stop it. Climate Conversations are facilitated discussions which aim to bring about effective action on climate change through the power of common people in Scotland.

En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator
En-ROADS is a freely-available online simulator that provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to test and explore cross-sector climate solutions.

Directory of Climate & Environmental Organisations Scotland
This is a new collection of links to environmental and community organisations, which has been put together by SCCAN’s regional network builders.
Transition Together Fundraising Skillshare
How to raise grants funds for your group.
Clare Seek speaks about Share Portsmouth’s recent crowdfunder, which raised £13,000 to open a library of things and repair hub.