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Think Again

Having have been involved with SCCAN’s social media work for years now, I have enjoyed it, except for one part that I absolutely dread and try to avoid; it’s going through some of the posts…Continue readingThink Again

Next steps for climate adaptation policy in Scotland: SCCAN Roundup

At the end of May, SCCAN was invited to speak at the Scotland Policy Conferences keynote seminar called “Next steps for climate adaptation policy in Scotland”.  Emma Yule, who is a volunteer in the Mission,…Continue readingNext steps for climate adaptation policy in Scotland: SCCAN Roundup

Funny Weather

The ‘longer-in-the-tooth’ folk in the climate world might remember the zine Funny Weather: everything you didn’t want to know about climate change but should probably find out from 2006.  Back in those days the severe weather…Continue readingFunny Weather

Coffee cups rattle as climate reality hits Angus

I love the sound of a deadline whooshing past. I’m looking at the birds outside, when I should be concentrating on a task. I’m easily distracted. I’ve been wondering what that slight sense of breathless…Continue readingCoffee cups rattle as climate reality hits Angus

Why stories at the heart of communities matter

To quote Shakespeare “The pen is mightier than the sword’. As one of the Story Weaver team at SCCAN, I’m passionate about the power and potential of the written word to change the world. Although…Continue readingWhy stories at the heart of communities matter

Opening the black box: how to make real change on the brink of oblivion

We have two fundamental problems when it comes to making meaningful change to our specie’s current disastrous collective trajectory: our psychology and our relationship to power. They’re very entangled, but let’s start with power and…Continue readingOpening the black box: how to make real change on the brink of oblivion

“It’s so disorganised!”: A word from our Ops Lead

“It’s so disorganised!” claimed a friend in a recent conversation about the plethora of organisations working locally to combat the climate crisis. A conversation that sprung out of praise for a local e-bike partnership where…Continue reading“It’s so disorganised!”: A word from our Ops Lead