Introducing Sociocracy: Sociocracy for All – 2-5pm, 6th & 20th June ONLINE

You’ve heard of sociocracy and you’re ready to learn it? This sociocracy beginner training is for you!

Only 20 spaces! Book here:

In this workshop, we will give you an overview of the basic concepts of sociocracy also known as Dynamic Governance:

-how we make effective decisions

-how we empower and connect teams

-how to continuously improve processes over time.

Exercises and role-plays let everyone experience the clarity, consideration, and flow that sociocracy brings. You will leave with a big picture of the possibilities, practical tools to start using right away, and a vivid experience of what a Sociocratic group feels like. A third of the time will be on presentations, another third on practical exercises and the last third on reflection and Q&A.


1. Deciding together so no one is ignored: Consent

2. A place for everything / everything in place: Organizational structure

3. Linking, with improved flow of information: Connected Teams

4. Being intentional about who does what: sociocratic open elections

5. Learning and feedback: how we can improve what we do and how we do it

2 x 3 hours training on:

-Monday 6th June 3-5pm

-Monday 20th June 3-5pm