SCCAN group members can apply for The Community Learning Exchange which offers small pots of funding to support local community groups connect and share peer learning across Scotland through the Scottish Communities Alliance.
The Community Learning Exchange, funded by the Scottish Government offers small pots of money to build levels of mutual support across the Community Sector through peer to peer learning- the best way to test and develop new ideas is to learn from people already on the journey themselves.
The CLE offers up to £1000 funding to plan and deliver an in-person exchange and £200 for an online exchange.
SCCAN group members (SCCAN will endorse your application as we are a Scottish Community Alliance (SCA) member network).
What do I need to do?
Step 1 – See case studies/ FAQ’s and read SCA guidance.
Step 2 – Choosing if you will deliver your exchange online or in-person.
Step 3 – Break down your costs.
Step 3 – Apply here.
What did others do?

Bridgend Farmhouse completed a study tour of various eco-build projects: ”…people were very inspired, and we have built on that knowledge, enthusiasm and momentum to begin our community build of a self-sustaining bothy building in one of the external barns at Bridgend Farmhouse. We are grateful for building these links and alliances with different groups, people and projects across Scotland. We hope in the future to host events, meetings, visits and the like to unite with other groups near and far fighting to create a more sustainable, sensible, resilient and equal society. If anyone or any groups are interested, please get in touch!”
Other applicants said:
“Many thanks again for your assistance in making the study visit a reality. It was particularly effective to see something working in real life – presentations and web searches can give info – but a visit makes it real.”

“We really appreciate this support. We learned a great deal, took some practical ideas and suggestions away and also could assess and compare our own work.. It widens horizons, reinforces our approach and allows positive comparisons of what we do and challenges we can address. More useful than training.”
“The organisation came away with a lot of confidence that their organisation can be set up to run successfully and the specific individuals came away with more confidence in their own ability.”