Creative Climate Journalling October

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through.…Continue readingCreative Climate Journalling October

North Edinburgh Arts

How a garden and an artist changed an organisation.  In this 1000 Better Stories blog, SCCAN Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose visits North Edinburgh Arts as they prepare to move into a refurbished and extended…Continue readingNorth Edinburgh Arts

Creative Climate Journalling September

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through.…Continue readingCreative Climate Journalling September

Welcome to the Fife club that lets nature – and even tree-hugging – soothe your troubles

Claire Warrender from the Local Story Exchange explores how Kirkcaldy-based Flourish With Nature helps tackle anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. A Fife-based initiative is using nature, mindfulness and even tree-hugging to help people…Continue readingWelcome to the Fife club that lets nature – and even tree-hugging – soothe your troubles

It’ll Never Work 

In this 1000 Better Stories blog, Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose shines a spotlight on It’ll Never Work, a Scottish documentary charting the journey of fisherman Hans Unkles as he attempts to build the UK’s…Continue readingIt’ll Never Work 

Creative Climate Journalling: August

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through.…Continue readingCreative Climate Journalling: August

‘We do it for the joy’: Women on Wheels

A 1000 Better Stories blog written by Clare Harris, Scotland lead for the Local Story Exchange Women on Wheels founder, Shgufta Anwar, the local cycling pioneer who’s battled family disapproval to bring two-wheeled travel…Continue reading‘We do it for the joy’: Women on Wheels

Member of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

For this month’s SCCAN Member of the Month, we’re shining a spotlight on the amazing work undertaken at Bridgend Farmhouse in Edinburgh. Luisa Brown, Skills Development Coordinator at Bridgend Farmhouse, shares an insight into some…Continue readingMember of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

Creative Climate Journalling: July

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through.…Continue readingCreative Climate Journalling: July

Creative Climate Journalling: June

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through.…Continue readingCreative Climate Journalling: June