Highlands and Islands Climate Change Community Grant

How can your community work with a researcher to respond to Climate Change in the Highlands & Islands? Still time to apply for up to £4.5K. No need to have a partner researcher in advance…Continue readingHighlands and Islands Climate Change Community Grant

Stories for Change Part 1/3: Finding and writing your climate action story

Join storyteller Paul Bristow for a practical day of finding, writing, telling your stories of community climate action.Learn how to tell and share your story of Climate Action in a workshop series from SCCAN Storyteller…Continue readingStories for Change Part 1/3: Finding and writing your climate action story

CLIMATE ASSEMBLY: The Power of People

The Scottish Government has responded to the Scottish Climate Assembly with a full report of their own and detailed comments on each of the 83 recommendations put forward by the Assembly. This is an encouraging…Continue readingCLIMATE ASSEMBLY: The Power of People

SCCAN Storyteller Collective: Podcast Skillshare, Thu 13 Jan

Join the third skillshare on audio storytelling around community climate justice and action on Thu 13 Jan, 7pm-8pm, building a collective of SCCAN storytellers for change. Mark Spencer and Climatic Collective will talk about setting…Continue readingSCCAN Storyteller Collective: Podcast Skillshare, Thu 13 Jan

Towards Local Wellbeing Economies

“When we focus on wellbeing, we start a conversation that provokes profound and fundamental questions – what really matters to us in our lives. What do we value in the communities that we live in,…Continue readingTowards Local Wellbeing Economies

Investing in Regional Networks

For many years, SCCAN has endeavoured to support the development of regional networks to support community-led climate action. We are therefore delighted to have recently received funding from the Scottish Government to enable us to…Continue readingInvesting in Regional Networks

SCCAN Storyteller Collective: Podcast Skillshare 1pm Thu 16 Dec

Join SCCAN Storyteller Collective’s monthly podcasting skillshare focused on audio storytelling around community climate justice. Book via: https://climatepodcast.eventbrite.co.uk Farmerama Radio – collaboratively growing an award winning podcast 12.30pm-1.30pm Thu 16 Dec Join the first Lunchtime Skillshare…Continue readingSCCAN Storyteller Collective: Podcast Skillshare 1pm Thu 16 Dec

Storytelling Mini-Grants

Are you a podcaster, writer, storyteller, videographer interested in sharing positive community climate action and justice stories? SCCAN is offering 10 mini-grants of a maximum £250 each to 10 projects focused on climate action and…Continue readingStorytelling Mini-Grants

Fundraising Post-COVID: Practical Workshop 3-5pm Wed 8 Dec

Skillshare session with Phyllis Martin, TrufflePig Fundraising: Tips and Guidance for successful community led climate action bids Effective Community Led Climate Action needs properly resourced – people, premises and outreach events. What can be learnt…Continue readingFundraising Post-COVID: Practical Workshop 3-5pm Wed 8 Dec

Investing in Communities Fund

Investing in Communities is a new Scottish Government fund, opening in April 2022. Worth £10 million per year, there are four themes:• Ensuring a just transition to net zero• Tackling Poverty and Inequality• Developing and…Continue readingInvesting in Communities Fund