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Host a screening of ‘the Oil Machine’

SCCAN members are invited to host community screenings of The Oil Machine, a powerful new documentary that looks at how the drama of global climate action is playing out in the fight over North Sea oil and gas. The community screening pack is available free of charge and includes a digital download file of the film to show at the event; a Promotional Kit (with suggested social media posts, graphics, posters, etc); and a Discussion Guide to help get the conversation going after the screening.

The Oil Machine explores our economic, historical and emotional entanglement with fossil fuels by looking at the conflicting imperatives around North Sea oil and gas. This invisible machine at the core of our economy and society now faces an uncertain future as activists and investors demand change. Is this the end of oil? The Oil Machine brings together a wide range of voices from oil company executives, economists, young activists, pension fund managers and considers how this machine can be tamed, dismantled, or repurposed.

Directed by Emma Davie, UK, 2022, 82 minutes,

Watch the Trailer:

“Powerful documentary – essential viewing”

· Brian Ferguson – The Scotsman

“A beautiful piece of work, hypnotic & mesmerising and incredibly emotional – I learned so much from watching this”

· Janice Forsyth, BBC Radio Scotland – Afternoon Show

To find out more about hosting a screening, please contact Rachel Caplan at