Report on ‘Write here Write now’ workshop

Community Climate Stories – Write Here, Write Now – Storytelling Taster Workshop

14th September 2021

To celebrate Scotland’s Climate Week and the European Day for Sustainable Communities, four writers and students worked through a friendly but intensive write-in session on their individual projects and ideas, with a space for conversation and feedback. 

Between a climate fiction novel draft, an idea to link communicating about heatwave crisis with the communication on the covid-19 pandemic and developing intentions for a story we focused on the why we want to tell these stories, who are we in this stories (#ownvoice) and what is the main conflict that is or needs to be resolved in the narrative.

Some recognized the need to get more real with the experiences of climate change and disasters in the communication while others pointed out the wish to see and create more utopian perspectives that include improvements in our societies and systems and how we can better treat the ecosystems and communities at risk in Scotland such as the ones in the international stories presented (desert of India and forest of Portugal). 

Hosted by SCCAN’s Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie, this workshop was a taster and pilot for a series of Community Climate Stories – Write Here, Write Now workshops that will focus on different themes and topics and will welcome and introduce SCCAN’s Storytellers collective. 


Climate Reflections (online exhibition)

1000 Better Stories – podcast

1000 Better Stories – blog

Improving Climate Change Communication (Bob Pickard)

Now Novel (resources for writers) 


All We Can Save – Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis – edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharina K. Wilkinson