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Everyday Changemakers: Rebecca Gibbs, SCCAN

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Rebecca Gibbs from SCCAN about rollerblading for sanity, turning NET zero into NOT zero and the invitation to get into climate adaptation planning with us. Credits Interview, recording…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Rebecca Gibbs, SCCAN

SCCAN Gathering Programme: Glasgow 2024

You can see more details about the event on the SCCAN Annual Gathering eventbrite page here.Continue readingSCCAN Gathering Programme: Glasgow 2024

Climate Adaptation: July / August news & events

Monthly round up of news and events relating to climate adaptation in Scotland. New reports on public perceptions of Scotland’s changing climate and resilience to climate impacts SCCAN has published two reports this month on…Continue readingClimate Adaptation: July / August news & events

‘We do it for the joy’: Women on Wheels

A 1000 Better Stories blog written by Clare Harris, Scotland lead for the Local Story Exchange Women on Wheels founder, Shgufta Anwar, the local cycling pioneer who’s battled family disapproval to bring two-wheeled travel…Continue reading‘We do it for the joy’: Women on Wheels

Member of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

For this month’s SCCAN Member of the Month, we’re shining a spotlight on the amazing work undertaken at Bridgend Farmhouse in Edinburgh. Luisa Brown, Skills Development Coordinator at Bridgend Farmhouse, shares an insight into some…Continue readingMember of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

Bedtime eco-stories

Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie reflects on her research on children’s eco-anxiety, her own eco-anxiety and her motivations. We also share resources for people (adults and families) dealing with eco-anxiety. Cover image – illustration by Joana…Continue readingBedtime eco-stories

Think Again

Having have been involved with SCCAN’s social media work for years now, I have enjoyed it, except for one part that I absolutely dread and try to avoid; it’s going through some of the posts…Continue readingThink Again

Climate Adaptation: June/July news & events

Monthly round up of news and events relating to climate adaptation in Scotland. Angus Climate Hub seeks your Storm Stories This winter everyone in Angus endured record breaking floods, storms and tides. This was a weather shock to…Continue readingClimate Adaptation: June/July news & events

Funding list: July 2024

List of climate, environment and related funding available in July 2024 Community Learning Exchange: An opportunity for peer to peer learning through the exchange of ideas and the sharing of common solutions. The aim is to…Continue readingFunding list: July 2024

Next steps for climate adaptation policy in Scotland: SCCAN Roundup

At the end of May, SCCAN was invited to speak at the Scotland Policy Conferences keynote seminar called “Next steps for climate adaptation policy in Scotland”.  Emma Yule, who is a volunteer in the Mission,…Continue readingNext steps for climate adaptation policy in Scotland: SCCAN Roundup

Funny Weather

The ‘longer-in-the-tooth’ folk in the climate world might remember the zine Funny Weather: everything you didn’t want to know about climate change but should probably find out from 2006.  Back in those days the severe weather…Continue readingFunny Weather

Members Discount: Zero Carbon Britain One-Day Online Training Course – 19th June 2024

Discounted rate for SCCAN members of £30 from £95: Zero Carbon Britain: Live Online – Scaling up Community Action by the Centre for Alternative Technology on the 19th June 2024: 9:30am – 5pm. Please email…Continue readingMembers Discount: Zero Carbon Britain One-Day Online Training Course – 19th June 2024