Back in the saddle: Edinburgh’s Wee Spoke Hub – Part 2

A story about the positive impact of two community cycling groups in Edinburgh written by Douglas Rogers and funded through a SCCAN mini grant.  The Wee Spoke Hub I came across the Wee Spoke Hub…Continue readingBack in the saddle: Edinburgh’s Wee Spoke Hub – Part 2

Back in the saddle: Edinburgh’s Wee Spoke Hub

A story about the positive impact of two community cycling groups in Edinburgh written by Douglas Rogers and funded through a SCCAN mini grant.  Cycling isn’t always easy – and that’s why we need communities…Continue readingBack in the saddle: Edinburgh’s Wee Spoke Hub

Talking and Learning About Seeds

“When you control seeds you control life on earth” – Vandana Shiva At the start of the Summer, SCCAN acquired 10 licenses for community screenings of The Seeds of Vandana Shiva across its membership. The…Continue readingTalking and Learning About Seeds

River Mouth

Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie comes back from maternity leave and shares an illustrated poem that came to her mind as lightning thunder the first week after her son was born. A short creative reflection on…Continue readingRiver Mouth

One of the most powerful things we have is our voice 

Reflections on SCCAN’s National Gathering:  Re-imagining local democracy: 22 March 2023 Augustine United Church, Edinburgh by Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose This is one of the first conferences/gatherings I’ve been to where I felt energised…Continue readingOne of the most powerful things we have is our voice 

Connecting With Nature In Scotland

by Madeleine Scobie When the Covid-19 pandemic started around March 2020, Scotland and the rest of the UK were put into several lockdowns throughout the year to try and control the spread of the virus.…Continue readingConnecting With Nature In Scotland


by Annie Lord Annie Lord is collaborating with A+E to explore the theme of the Regenerative Cathedral. Working from St Mary’s Cathedral on Palmerston Place, Annie is developing a story which responds to the climate…Continue readingPreservation


by Jonathan Baxter I wrote this ‘response’ in December 2022 when SCCAN asked me about a deadline I’d committed to. I wrote it off-the-cuff. It’s my way of introducing an embedded artist residency I’m engaged…Continue readingDeadline

The Creation of a Climate Community Book

by Gazelle Buchholtz Creation of a Climate Community BookMy short story ‘Earth’s Violet Sun’ was originally written in Danish and published in my book Søvnløse Spor[1] (Sleepless Tracks). The Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN)…Continue readingThe Creation of a Climate Community Book

European Day for Sustainable Communities 2022 – Stories and Reflections from Scottish Communities

For the 6th year, communities all around Europe celebrated ECOLISE’s project European Day of Sustainable Communities (#EDSC2022), this year aligned with the European Year of Youth (#EYY2022). As SCCAN, we are very proud to be…Continue readingEuropean Day for Sustainable Communities 2022 – Stories and Reflections from Scottish Communities