Member of the Month: Growing Together – Craigshill

This month Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose chatted with David Tatton, Community Environment Champion at Growing Together Craigshill. David shared inspirational stories of all of the amazing work they undertake with all ages in their local…Continue readingMember of the Month: Growing Together – Craigshill

Creative Climate Journalling January

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through.…Continue readingCreative Climate Journalling January

Purpose: Let’s talk about a Wellbeing Economy 

SCCAN is well-acquainted with the work of Dr Katherine Trebeck  a political economist, writer, advocate for economic system change and co-founder of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. This alliance is a collaboration of change-makers working together to transform…Continue readingPurpose: Let’s talk about a Wellbeing Economy 

Weaving Stories and Adapting Together

Narrating Change: Co-producing adaptation targets between communities and policymakers in Scotlands is a study produced by SCCAN in collaboration with Kings College London. Read about this exploration of the role of storytelling and narrative in…Continue readingWeaving Stories and Adapting Together

Member of the Month: Paws on Plastic

This month Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose chatted with Marion Montgomery from Stonehaven in North East Scotland about the amazing initiative Paws on Plastic which Marion set up in 2018. Her aim was to make…Continue readingMember of the Month: Paws on Plastic

The Only Home We Have Ever Known

With wishes of peace, safety, justice and solidarity from SCCAN and 1000 Better Stories during the festive period. Free postcard to send to your loved ones: Artwork by Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie.Continue readingThe Only Home We Have Ever Known

SCCAN Online resources

SCCAN has a wide collection of resources available to support individuals, communities and organisations at all stages of their climate journey. From finding the language to talk about climate change, to practical actions that can…Continue readingSCCAN Online resources

Creative Climate Journalling December

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through.…Continue readingCreative Climate Journalling December

We Wish You a Carbon Free Christmas 

Christmas is a time of year when we celebrate family, friends and community. A time of coming together, of giving and receiving. It’s also a time when we are pushed to over consume, often through…Continue readingWe Wish You a Carbon Free Christmas 

Envirolution Aberdeen

On Saturday 28 September, North East Climate Action Network (NESCAN Hub) organised thhe first Envirolution Aberdeen– a community based, free festival dedicated to increasing understanding, connection and engagement with the natural world, helping communities transition…Continue readingEnvirolution Aberdeen