Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Hollis, a volunteer involved in Dundee’s Wee Forest project. The story is the final in a 5-part series of weekly interviews with members of Dundee Community Garden Network…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Hollis, Dundee Wee Forests
Category: 1000 Better Stories Blog
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Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Harold, one of the core volunteers running Fruit Bowls Community Garden. The story is the fourth in a 5-part series of weekly interviews with members of Dundee Community…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Harold, Fruit Bowls Community Garden
Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Rowan, who works for Uppertunity with their Growing Spaces Group. Uppertunity supports individuals with learning disabilities, autism and mental health barriers. The story is the second in a…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Rowan, Uppertunities Growing Spaces
Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Gisela de la Espada, a garden coordinator for Yusuf Youth Intitiative’s Victoria Community Gardens. The story is the third in a 5-part series of weekly interviews with members…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Gisela, Victoria Community Gardens
Self care, resilience and hope are essential for anyone working with climate change. This month we’re delighted to shine the Member of the Month spotlight onto COPE Scotland and the important work they undertake, as…Continue readingMember of the Month: COPE Scotland
Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Catherine Lawson, one of the volunteers behind Bonnie Dundee (In Your Neighbourhood) group who take care of green spaces in Dundee City Centre. The story is the first…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Catherine Lawson, Bonnie Dundee IYN
In this blog post SCCAN Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose shares reflections on a day long workshop Living Well Locally, using the Place Standard Tool with a cultural lens. The workshop sat beside ways to also use…Continue readingLiving Well Locally
Member of the Month is a regular feature through which we shine a spotlight on a SCCAN member and the amazing community climate action they undertake. This month’s Member of the Month is the inspiring…Continue readingMember of the Month: the 360 Centre
“When you control seeds you control life on earth” – Vandana Shiva At the start of the Summer, SCCAN acquired 10 licenses for community screenings of The Seeds of Vandana Shiva across its membership. The…Continue readingTalking and Learning About Seeds
Member of the Month is a regular feature through which we shine a spotlight on a SCCAN member and the amazing community climate action they undertake. This month’s Member of the Month is the Moving…Continue readingMember of the Month: Moving Images Cinema Caravan CIC