Creative Climate Journalling January

We are all living in a changing world. The Story Weaver Team at SCCAN would like to encourage you to take time out each month to Creative Journal around the changes we are living through. This practise is an opportunity to connect with what matters to you, the changes you are bearing witness to and stories of possible futures you’d like to tell. Each month we’ll be providing a series of prompts to help you do just that. 

This month’s prompts link in with our post about Purpose – a wellbeing economics film that will be undertaking a Scottish tour in spring. The film challenges us to re-purpose our economy into one that’s kinder to people and planet. It also encourages discussion and thought around societal change for a shift in power from Power Over to Power With. Here are a few questions to help prompt journalling and discussion. 

  • What are the simple steps your community can make to align with Wellbeing Economics? Examples include setting up a community tool shed or library, or organising a clothes swap. All things that stop us buying more and instead re-purpose what we have. 
  • How can you encourage/establish opportunities for collective voice from your community? Examples include setting up regular events to meet and discuss the issues you are facing and thoughts about solving them. What ways can you find to enable Power To make change? 
  • Think of a time you’ve found Power Within and resisted others exercising power over you. Write about this time and how you can work with this collectively. 

Image credit: 115780426 © Nadejda Panina |