On Tuesday 23rd November 2021 we launched our monthly podcasting skillshare. The skillshares are aimed at those interested in audio storytelling around community climate justice and action, and building a collective of SCCAN storytellers for change.
It was really exciting to meet 15 or so budding and experienced podcasters, from all over Scotland (Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow, Helensburgh, Rosyth, Dunbar, Aviemore) and even as far afield as Southampton! I enjoyed sharing my experience of developing and running PLANT Voices Podcast from Tayport Community Garden and enthusing about my newest obsession – an audio tour mobile app helping me embed stories about PLANT’s projects directly into the local landscape. Watch the video above for details.
We had a brief discussion on:
Keeping the podcast going and staying motivated often with patchy funding. This often relies on passion for topics and audio, addiction to talking to people and audio editing, enjoyment of meeting new people, with support of working as a part of a team
The perfect podcast length. There is no one simple answer as it depends on your podcast format and audience, but it’s hard to edit things to a shorter format
Growing an audience. It’s been a slow process for me in my small community of 4,500 residents and relying on cultivating my personal community connections and introducing people to the idea of listening to podcasts and using the audio walking tour to direct people to it. I’m hoping to reach wider audiences and learn more about this by joining forces through SCCAN.
We also started a discussion about SCCAN Storytelling Collective and how it can help us work together to amplify the amazing stories from Scottish communities taking the task of building a better future into their own hands.
Apart from the podcasting skillshares, here are several of the ideas we have been working on to help with that:
- Mini-grants to fund storytellers’ contributions to 1000 Better Stories podcast and blog – applications now open!!
- Magazine episodes for 1000 Better Stories showcasing climate/social justice podcasts from around Scotland.
- Continuing with longer, hands-on workshops starting in January next year: basic podcasting and storytelling for social change, embedding stories in landscapes using mobile tech.
Please do get in touch if you have ideas or would like to join forces through any of the above. We are also looking for new members of the SCCAN Story Circle which is a working group shaping the ideas behind Storyteller Collective. Simply email me, Kaska, on stories@scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk.
I am looking forward to continuing our conversations at the next skillshare, Thu 16th Dec 1-2pm to hear from Katie Revell from Farmerama radio on collaboratively growing an award winning podcast . Book now on Eventbrite.