Weaving Stories and Adapting Together

Narrating Change: Co-producing adaptation targets between communities and policymakers in Scotlands is a study produced by SCCAN in collaboration with Kings College London. Read about this exploration of the role of storytelling and narrative in…Continue readingWeaving Stories and Adapting Together

GO Torry – growing resilience one year after peoples’ assembly

Our Story Weaver, Kaska, revisits Torry in Aberdeen for a Go Torry event, celebrating community’s growing resilience in the wake of People’s Assembly and its Declaration last Spring. We hear of RAAC and retrofit, outdoor…Continue readingGO Torry – growing resilience one year after peoples’ assembly

Climate Action Hubs Energy Design Sprint

Cover photograph: Climate Hubs coordinators standing in the lovely garden of Parklands Hotel, Perth at the end of the session (some missing, had to run for their trains!) At a crucial time for energy transition…Continue readingClimate Action Hubs Energy Design Sprint

So That You Can Live

A reflection on energy, land, and life. While fictional in form, this story is based on a conversation between SCCAN story weaver Joana and former miner and rescue officer Sinclair in May 2024 at the…Continue readingSo That You Can Live

What if we had a community owned land-bank?

Land is a vital asset.  Any credible pathway to a liveable future requires that communities have access to the land and buildings that they need to enable and unleash the bottom-up action that is essential.…Continue readingWhat if we had a community owned land-bank?

Edinburgh Climate Cafe at Portobello Promenade

Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie comes along to Edinburgh Climate Cafe at Portobello Promenade, a 10-year running project meeting people where they are through informal climate conversations about “climate change stuff”. “We seem to get caught…Continue readingEdinburgh Climate Cafe at Portobello Promenade

Member of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

For this month’s SCCAN Member of the Month, we’re shining a spotlight on the amazing work undertaken at Bridgend Farmhouse in Edinburgh. Luisa Brown, Skills Development Coordinator at Bridgend Farmhouse, shares an insight into some…Continue readingMember of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

Everyday Changemakers: Tom Burns, Shax

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Tom Burns, Marketing Officer from Shax, about the circular economy with a heart. The story is the second in a five-part Dumfries series of Everyday Changemakers. Credits Interview,…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Tom Burns, Shax

“It’s so disorganised!”: A word from our Ops Lead

“It’s so disorganised!” claimed a friend in a recent conversation about the plethora of organisations working locally to combat the climate crisis. A conversation that sprung out of praise for a local e-bike partnership where…Continue reading“It’s so disorganised!”: A word from our Ops Lead

Scottish Climate Action Hubs update

SCCAN are delighted to announce several more successes in the progression of the development of a network of regional community climate action hubs in order to provide a strategic regional approach to climate change action across…Continue readingScottish Climate Action Hubs update