As many of you will know, along with countless other community organisations, this is a difficult December for SCCAN. The first quarter of the 20th century has not been short of strange things. Perhaps we should number…Continue readingBuilding Climate Resilience: Addressing Challenges in Funding, Adaptation, and Food Security
Tag: community
Narrating Change: Co-producing adaptation targets between communities and policymakers in Scotlands is a study produced by SCCAN in collaboration with Kings College London. Read about this exploration of the role of storytelling and narrative in…Continue readingWeaving Stories and Adapting Together
This month Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose chatted with Marion Montgomery from Stonehaven in North East Scotland about the amazing initiative Paws on Plastic which Marion set up in 2018. Her aim was to make…Continue readingMember of the Month: Paws on Plastic
We would be grateful if you would consider filling in our 2024 Members’ survey. There are 8 questions which will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and it will be open 2 weeks until Friday 20th December (5pm).…Continue readingPlease take part in the SCCAN Members’ Survey 2024
To date SCCAN as an organisation has developed through several operational structures from being fully volunteer founded, led and run, to taking on a paid staff team to expand and deliver important work in supporting…Continue readingStatement on SCCAN Funding
Christmas is a time of year when we celebrate family, friends and community. A time of coming together, of giving and receiving. It’s also a time when we are pushed to over consume, often through…Continue readingWe Wish You a Carbon Free Christmas
On Saturday 28 September, North East Climate Action Network (NESCAN Hub) organised thhe first Envirolution Aberdeen– a community based, free festival dedicated to increasing understanding, connection and engagement with the natural world, helping communities transition…Continue readingEnvirolution Aberdeen
Research findings and reflections on community health during a visit to Belhaven Community Garden in Dunbar. A valuable and inspiring partnership with NHS Lothian, the garden is now threatened by the closure of the Belhaven…Continue readingCommunity health & community gardens: The Haven at Belhaven Community Garden
Ahead of the Autumn budget, 65 climate organisations – endorsed by leading UK trade unions – have written to the UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves calling for £1.9 billion a year until 2030 in ring-fenced funding…Continue readingUnions and climate groups join forces to demand £1.9 billion a year transition funding for North Sea workers
Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie shares the stories behind some toy libraries in Scotland, how they connect families and build communities, and how you can find or create one in your area. The concept of loaning…Continue readingToy Libraries: Sharing joy and building community