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Everyday Changemakers: Tom Burns, Shax

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Tom Burns, Marketing Officer from Shax, about the circular economy with a heart. The story is the second in a five-part Dumfries series of Everyday Changemakers. Credits Interview,…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Tom Burns, Shax

Everyday Changemakers: Sally Hinchcliffe, Cycling Dumfries

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Sally Hinchcliffe, a founding member of Cycling Dumfries. The story is the first in a five-part Dumfries series of Everyday Changemakers. Credits Interview, recording and sound production: Kaska Hempel…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Sally Hinchcliffe, Cycling Dumfries

Why stories at the heart of communities matter

To quote Shakespeare “The pen is mightier than the sword’. As one of the Story Weaver team at SCCAN, I’m passionate about the power and potential of the written word to change the world. Although…Continue readingWhy stories at the heart of communities matter

Everyday Changemakers: Dell, Merkinch Community Council

Dell McCLurg of the Merkinch Community Council reflects on turning life’s challenges into local activism and the creation of the community’s Merkinch Local Nature Reserve. The story is the final in a 5-part series of…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Dell, Merkinch Community Council

Everyday Changemakers: Jon, Holm Grown & Maria, Knocknagael CIC

Jon Dixon from the new Holm Grown and Maria from Knocknagael CIC talk about shielding their green spaces from the wave of urban sprawl in Inverness. The story is the 4th in a 5-part series…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Jon, Holm Grown & Maria, Knocknagael CIC

Opening the black box: how to make real change on the brink of oblivion

We have two fundamental problems when it comes to making meaningful change to our specie’s current disastrous collective trajectory: our psychology and our relationship to power. They’re very entangled, but let’s start with power and…Continue readingOpening the black box: how to make real change on the brink of oblivion

Everyday Changemakers: Gina and Mike, Aultnaskiach Dell

Our Story Weaver, Kaska Hempel, talks to Gina and Mike at Aultnaskiach Dell about the ways they have been taking care of their tiny, urban woodland. The story is the 3rd in a 5-part series…Continue readingEveryday Changemakers: Gina and Mike, Aultnaskiach Dell

Member of the Month: Porty Community Energy

Hazel Darwin-Clements is a volunteer member of SCCAN’s Story Circle and also undertakes some amazing work with SCCAN member Porty Community Energy. Hazel shines spotlight on the brilliant work of Porty Community Energy  in this…Continue readingMember of the Month: Porty Community Energy

GUEST BLOG: Community of Practice, Climate Action Without Despair

Once upon a time there was a beautiful planet. People began to notice though the planet was changing. The seas were full of plastics, the air was full of pollution, there were many storms, droughts,…Continue readingGUEST BLOG: Community of Practice, Climate Action Without Despair

“It’s so disorganised!”: A word from our Ops Lead

“It’s so disorganised!” claimed a friend in a recent conversation about the plethora of organisations working locally to combat the climate crisis. A conversation that sprung out of praise for a local e-bike partnership where…Continue reading“It’s so disorganised!”: A word from our Ops Lead