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Member of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

For this month’s SCCAN Member of the Month, we’re shining a spotlight on the amazing work undertaken at Bridgend Farmhouse in Edinburgh. Luisa Brown, Skills Development Coordinator at Bridgend Farmhouse, shares an insight into some…Continue readingMember of the Month: Bridgend Farmhouse 

Edinburgh Communities Climate Action launch day

SCCAN Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose reflects on the launch of Edinburgh Communities Climate Action Network (ECCAN) on 27 March 2024 at the Augustine United Church in Edinburgh. “The event got ECCAN off to a…Continue readingEdinburgh Communities Climate Action launch day

Member of the Month: South Seeds

This month Lucy Gillie, General Manager of South Seeds shares details on the amazing work they undertake as well as some of her personal climate journey.  Tell us about South Seeds.  South Seeds is a…Continue readingMember of the Month: South Seeds


Awakening is a fictional account of the River Clyde bursting its banks, written by Mairi Macleod and funded through a SCCAN mini grant.  The day the city drowned, the trees cried the last of their…Continue readingAwakening

Living Well Locally

In this blog post SCCAN Story Weaver Lesley Anne Rose shares reflections on a day long workshop Living Well Locally, using the Place Standard Tool with a cultural lens. The workshop sat beside ways to also use…Continue readingLiving Well Locally

Member of the Month: the 360 Centre

Member of the Month is a regular feature through which we shine a spotlight on a SCCAN member and the amazing community climate action they undertake. This month’s Member of the Month is the inspiring…Continue readingMember of the Month: the 360 Centre

Talking and Learning About Seeds

“When you control seeds you control life on earth” – Vandana Shiva At the start of the Summer, SCCAN acquired 10 licenses for community screenings of The Seeds of Vandana Shiva across its membership. The…Continue readingTalking and Learning About Seeds

Member of the Month: Moving Images Cinema Caravan CIC 

Member of the Month is a regular feature through which we shine a spotlight on a SCCAN member and the amazing community climate action they undertake. This month’s Member of the Month is the Moving…Continue readingMember of the Month: Moving Images Cinema Caravan CIC 

River Mouth

Story Weaver Joana Avi-Lorie comes back from maternity leave and shares an illustrated poem that came to her mind as lightning thunder the first week after her son was born. A short creative reflection on…Continue readingRiver Mouth

The Treasure

By Pam Candea I The treasure. It was always about the treasure. Heroes always find the treasure, don’t they? They do that by off-loading their issues onto others so that they can focus on the…Continue readingThe Treasure